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This is where you will find some points that Darian Bird is running on. Areas of improvement, priorities of the candidate and most of all, how to build a BETTER Redford Township.

Public Trust:

  • According to, "Surveys have shown that townships are one of the most trusted forms of government. Residents know their leaders, and they trust that they’ll make decisions with the township’s best interest in mind.", yet the feedback I have received seems to show that many residents have lost faith and trust in their elected leaders. Not only am I selling transparency, but I promise to be a listening ear for the people. Working together to form trust and accountability on both sides.

Seek Funding:

  • Working hand and hand with fellow board members, county officials and state elected officials to bring funding into the township. With these funds, we can continue to grow local businesses and develop a way to bring in additional businesses. Redford Township is simply a "crossover" town, many ride through to get to the next city over. Seeking grants and funding is a priority. The more revenue, the faster we can grow this place to where we desire it to be.

Redford Roads:

  • A HUGE problem within Michigan are the roads. Many may not know, but it's the county you have to contact regarding issues with the roads. Many think it's soley up to local government officials. Working with Wayne County to fix roads throughout Redford is a priority. Some of the nastiest potholes reside in Redford. Not only that, but working to clean up service drives, creating a partnership so that our parks department can cut the Telegraph medians to beautify Redford on the drive through. 


  • Reviewing local ordinances, as well as discussing how to limit the excessive amounts of the same businesses. (Ex. car lots, dollar stores, etc.) Prioritizing the needs and WANTS of the township residents!

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